As professional cidermakers we're all looking for great online destinations to purchase kit and supplies, discuss technical matters and publicise our businesses.

Here's a list of our favourite cider-related online destinations, some of which have been kind enough to offer a small sponsorship fee (marked) or their time and effort to contribute towards the development of this website.

  • Cider Workshop Google Group

    With the largest membership of any cider-related forum, makers from around the world discuss technical issues surrounding cider making, orcharding and navigating the world of related administrative requirements. With some very experienced, professional contributors.


  • National Association of Cider Makers

    UK body funded by, and representing the interests of, the cider making industry. The NACM commissions research into pomology, cider making technology and sustainability among other areas, and lobbies Government on issues affecting the industry.


  • Devon Drinks Solutions

    Devon Drinks Solutions offer a wide spectrum of packaging, production and analytical services which may not otherwise be available to artisan and small-batch drinks producers.

  • Vigo Presses

    At Vigo Presses we pride ourselves in fulfilling our customers’ specific requirements to ensure they get the most from their fruit. With over 40 years of experience in apple pressing and home brew we are passionate about providing our customers market leading advice and customer service, accompanying the high-quality products available from our store.